Cowes, Phillip Island. Much like a bare arse, this curvy smooth cream facade is pleasing to the eye, and its gentle curves naturally draw the gaze, and later the entire body, into the inviting orifice.
Once inside, it is as if you’re back in the womb. All is quiet and muted.
You can get changed, or simply sit, be soothed, and ponder existence. Personally, your correspondent chose to ponder why people pay hundreds of dollars to lie in sensory tanks for a bit of peace and quiet, when they could simply come here.
Upon leaving, it was like being born again.
Only after stepping outside of the solid, quiet walls could I hear Mrs. Borrie enquiring angrily whether this was going to take much longer. Peace and quiet ruined, it was time for a potato cake.
Great report. Brings back great memories of my camping holidays to Westernport with my old Uncle Ernie back in the late 60’s. He was very handy in the bush due to his many years as a scout leader. I remember one of his jokes he used to tell about this place when we were visiting the toilets. ” What’s brown and steaming and comes out of Cowes?” “The Phillip Island ferry”. By camping beside the toilet block we were always guaranteed of a pristine stall to ourselves. After the Bass Shire cleaner finished at about 7 a.m. Uncle Ernie would put 2 old work boots in front of the bowl and “engage” the lock with a screw driver. We had exclusive use without the worry of “seat logs, freckled bowls, sticky feet or marinade grogans”. We won’t forget old Ernie.