“In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing. The worst thing you can do is nothing.”
― Theodore Poosevelt
Lavers Hill is a confusing place. So many options! And the best one, as it often is, was right in front of me—just a matter of following my nose (more on this in a second).
Mind you, with this earnest little sign topping its roof, there’s no confusing the Lavers Hill dunny for, say, a railway station or a telephone exchange. A toilet it is!
Now then. Usually there would be a gag to be had here, but these particular inverted commas around “maintained” were entirely appropriate, for inside the dunny was a giant borrie, lying squat in the middle of the floor (follow my nose, indeed!)
Your correspondent being, of course, Mr. Borrie (or Barry Borrie when ABC Radio insists on a first name), it is quite something else to come face-to-face with your own decayed form, a sort of re-enactment of a far more scatalogical version of The Picture of Dorian Gray.
I sidestepped my smelly offsider, and was out of there sooner than I could think of a quote to google.
“You will always be fond of me. I represent to you all the sins you never had the courage to commit.”
I think you are in a better position with the surname Mr Borrie!
Than say being called Mr Cable!
Stay well! Be naughty.
Believe me, you could’ve built the NBN with this particular cable.