Sometimes I can’t help but feel that the “Stalingrad End” of town gets a bad rap. The Docklands ain’t so bad!
It’s kinda just what happens when a generation grows up playing SimCity 2000 and decides to give the ol’ town planning career a whirl. Cue mystified looks when, despite building many pylons, police stations, freeways, railways, harbours, and stadiumses, nobody likes it.
But I like it, mainly because it’s unintentionally very odd—staircases on bike paths, wind tunnels across any bench with a good view, that sort of thing. Anything crap being in plain sight; anything nifty being so hidden that you have to get lost to find it.
The Ron Barassi Senior Park is one of those nifty things: sweeping views, playing fields, picnic and BBQ facilities, a playground with probably the best slippery-dip in all of inner Melbourne, and of course this little public loo built onto the pavilion.
The park and pavilion are cast in the very literal 50 shades of grey Docklands aesthetic—perhaps this camouflage explains why nobody’s found this place. Either that, or people find looking at the roof of Costco from a giant wheel much more exciting. Whatever the case, get down here and turn your wheely good time into a really good time.